4. Relax
If you have a job that’s demanding and time consuming, you may have to put dating on the back burner. There is no law stating you have to date by a certain age or involve yourself in a long term relationship by a certain time. A demanding job can put a stain on a relationship, so let love come to you instead of searching high and low for it. If you must date, keep in mind everyone you come across will not understand hectic work hours and not being able to spend time with you. You may be able to make excuses for your job for a few weeks or a month, but not seeing you and spending time probably will not be the best ideal of a relationship to the other person.
3. Use a Internet Dating Site
One thing you may want to consider is an internet dating site. Although you are busy working and taking care of business, you can browse profiles of candidates who meet your interest in your spare time. Browsing profiles is not as time consuming as meeting people, and trying to get to know them. Most dating sites have apps you can download to your phone while you are on-the-go. Have a look around and see who you find.
2. Find Someone Close to Home
It may not be in your best interest to date a co-worker or your boss, but you can try to find someone who lives in the same city or state. You don’t want the person to be too close to home, but you may not be comfortable with them being one thousand miles away. When you date someone close to where you live or work, it’s easier to make time to see them versus driving 30 minutes to one hour to their home after a long day at work or a stressful day in general. Planning to meet is a lot more feasible and it makes getting around a lot easier. Nothing is worse than navigating an hour or so to a place where you have no idea where you are going or how to get there. Familiar surroundings is one comfort of home that can ease some of the pressures of getting to know someone and dating.
1. Accept Who You Are
If you are a person who works all the time, accept it and embrace it. There is nothing wrong with working until your heart is content, but it may not be suitable for many people who are looking to settle down and have a serious relationship. When you are dating and mingling, tell your date about your job and work ethic. Some people will admire it and some people will disagree. As long as you accept who you are, you’ll find someone who feels the same way.