A breakup is a tough thing to have to deal with. No matter if you’re doing the breakup or you’re the one who was kicked to the curb, there’s always going to be a recovery process, a process where you need to try and learn to trust people again. Here are 10 tips to help you get through a breakup relatively unscathed.

10. Accept your mistakes – First and foremost, you need to think about what might have gone wrong. If you don’t try to understand what you might have done wrong in your relationship to cause the breakup, all you are accomplishing is increasing the risk of going through another breakup.

9. Improve yourself – Self-improvement goes a long way to help self-esteem, and it also helps for the long-term. No matter if you’re trying to improve yourself physically, mentally, or spiritually, it all helps.

8. Treat yourself nice – A good way to put a bandage on your breakup wounds is to get yourself something nice. Go out to your favourite restaurant, buy a nice new electronic device, or maybe go on vacation to someplace you’ve never been but have always wanted to go to.

7. Find a hobby – Something new and exciting can really help you get out of a funk. Maybe you’ve never been interested in reading, and you have a lot of books. Or you’ve never painted, and decide to go take a class. Whatever it takes to keep your mind off of the pain.

6. Don’t let your emotions become bottled up – Letting your emotions about the situation bottle up is noted for causing a lot of pain in the long-term. Don’t let that stuff stay locked in, express it.

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5. Embrace your friends – Your friends, if they are truly your friends, will help you through this. Hang out with them and do things with them!

4. Embrace your family – Family cares, so they won’t be afraid to help you out at your worst. You can’t quite beat the support of a family member.

3. Be social and outgoing if possible – If you become a shut-in, it makes it that much easier to linger on your breakup. Going out and being social will help you meet new friends (and possibly more).

2. Move on – When you socialize, odds are a lot higher that you might find someone to help you get back on that horse more than if you stay in all day. That person could easily help you feel good about yourself again.

1. Don’t rush into a second attempt – On the other hand, don’t rush a relationship. You need to figure out what you want, what they want, and how you can keep a relationship solid. It’s not worth the risk of relapse!


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