When going out on the date or a causal encounter, make sure you look nice. The nicer you look the more likely the other person is going to want to go out on a second date with you. This may mean brushing your teeth before leaving your home, but always make sure you are wearing clean clothing. By doing this, you will be able to impress your date with how great you look, but also in how much care you are taking for the causal encounter that may not go anywhere, but once you look great it has a high chance of a second date.

Upon arrival at the date pickup location or even the area that you are eating at or going to, always greet your date. If this means you have to get out of your vehicle, you will want to do this because it will show that you are interested in the other person, but also show you have manners. So you will want to impress the date with the manners you have and the fact that you can go out of your way and see them by getting up to greet them. Then they will see you are going to be a good person to be around.

The causal encounter should be just that, very causal. Since the encounter may be the first one or even the time you are getting ready to shock him or her, you will want to try to be laid back. You do not want to be uptight about what you are doing or even how you are doing it. Instead you will find that when you are remaining causal during the date, it will not put a lot of stress on the other person. Without this, you could have problems with the date being to high in the stress department and this can lead to no one having fun during the causal date.


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