The relationship starts out great and you enjoy each other, but once you’ve had your fun, you both may want children. Being a parent is a wonderful thing, but you may notice or feel as if you don’t see your spouse as much as you once did and you don’t have time for each other. Here are six tips that will help you and your spouse keep your relationship more romantic than ever.
1. Be Prepared
One of the best things you and your spouse can do is be prepared. Once you have children, your life isn’t over, but just about everything you once knew about your relationship will change. Be prepared to make minor and major adjustments once you start having children.
2. The Juggling Act
The juggling act has to be learned, but once you got it, it’s yours. Whether you have one, two, three, or more children, you will have to learn the juggling act each time. You can create the juggling act by putting your children on a schedule so you can plan time with your significant other.
3. No Excuses, Make Time
A lot of couples are guilty of making excuses. You and your spouse need to find a way that works for both of you to make time for each other. It is a lot easier said than done, but it can be done. Putting your children on a schedule will help tremendously.
4. Babysitting Time
You and your spouse need to take the time find a babysitter. There are many different websites that specialize in helping parents find a responsible, reliable babysitter for their little ones. Find a baby sitter that you both approve of, and plan to spend a few hours together alone.
5. Work Meetings
If both you and your spouse have jobs, it’s easy for both of you to miss each other and spend time because you both have obligations. If your children attend daycare during the day, plan a lunch with your spouse at work. Spending a little bit of time with each other is a lot better than not spending time at all.
6. Staying Up Late
Once you put your children to bed for the night, stay up a little later with your spouse and talk, laugh, whatever you want to do, but make sure you spend time together. Although your relationship will not be as it once was when you didn’t have children, you relationship can still be romantic and enjoyable.
7. Enjoy Family Time
Now that you have children, you have to learn how to spend time and interact with your spouse as much as you can, and this included family time. When you take your children on outings, such as to the zoo or the aquarium, learn how to turn this into time you can enjoy with each other as well as a family.